4 Reasons to Get a New Roof Before Winter Hits

Winter is right around the corner, and many homeowners are dreading the season’s impact on their roof. It’s no secret that snow, ice, and debris can wreak some serious havoc on your shingles and insulation, and if your roof is already not in the best shape, this could be its last season.

That said, you can avoid a winter disaster this season by replacing your roof now rather than later. Here are four reasons to consider getting a new roof now before the winter season arrives in full force.

You’ll Save on Energy Costs

Winter is perhaps the worst season when it comes to utility bills. Because the sun rises late in the morning and sets early in the day, you’re turning on more lights and using more electricity than any other time of the year. What’s more, you’re turning on your gas or central heating to keep the house nice and warm. Needless to say, the last thing you want is for your utility bills to be even higher because of your roof.

Old and damaged roofing materials don’t do a great job of keeping warm air inside and cold air out. Gaps in your roofing insulation and shingles can cause what’s known as Stack Effect when the heat in your home rises to the second floor where it escapes through the attic. As a result, your heating system has to overwork itself just to generate enough heat to keep you and your family warm.

Rather than paying for skyrocketing energy costs this winter in addition to a new roof come spring, it’s best to contact your local roof replacement contractors now. This way you can get your new roofing in place before it gets too cold and before you need to worry about your heat loss.

You’ll Prevent Water Damage

A roof leak is a bigger problem than it seems, especially when there are multiple leaks or they’re not very visible. When your roof is old or has sustained years of damage, there are gaps in the shingles where water can wiggle through. During the winter months, with snow and ice sitting on your roof for days at a time, water can easily seep into your insulation. Left untreated, the water can continue to damage your home and soak into your siding. By the time spring arrives, a roof replacement may be only one of the major renovations you’ll need to make on your home.

To prevent water from making its way into your home during the coldest and wettest time of year, it’s a good idea to contact your local roofing contractors to have your roof replaced now. Replacing your roof before the winter season ensures that ice and snow won’t be able to penetrate your shingles and soak into your insulation. It also means that you don’t run the risk of mold growing in your home.

You’ll Keep Your Gutters Clear

During the winter season, your gutters are your best friend. They’re what keeps melting snow and ice from dripping down your home’s siding and causing water damage and flooding. However, your gutters need to be completely clear to work properly. Clogged gutters can cause a whole slew of problems when you least expect it.

Unfortunately, an old and damaged roof can actually end up clogging your gutters during the winter season. Up to 75% of all houses in North America have roof shingles. During the winter, the weight of the snow and ice on your old shingles can cause pieces to break off and fall into your gutter system, blocking the draining water from being able to run off correctly.

To help keep your gutters clear and water away from your siding, it’s recommended to have your roof replaced before winter arrives. A pre-winter roof replacement ensures that your shingles will stay secure right where they are and, with the right maintenance, your gutter system will stand clear, too.

You’ll Have the Time

The summer months are some of the busiest times of the year for roof replacement contractors. That makes fall the ideal time to have your roof replaced. Because roofing contractors aren’t as busy, you’ll be able to schedule your roofing replacement at a time that works best for you and your family.

Ready for a roofing replacement before winter arrives? The professional roof replacement contractors of Style Roofing have you covered. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to have your roof replaced before winter arrives.
